Pinar Yoldas (TR)


Pinar Yoldas (TR)

EcoSystem of Excess (2014/2017)

The living organisms and ecosystems of the world are transforming in ways that we could never have imagined, yet that is exactly what Pinar Yoldas does in her work An Ecosystem of Excess. Taking her point of departure in the contemporary primordial soup of plastics that is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which covers millions of square kilometers, she speculates about the effects of the accelerating accumulation of this non-organic matter in our oceans as a disturbing and at the same time haunting horizon for the transformation of human life on Planet Earth. Through its introduction of pelagic insects, marine reptilia, fish, and birds endowed with organs to sense and metabolize plastics the work asks if life was to originate once again today, what kind of life would emerge from this ocean of plastics. Inspired by the groundbreaking findings of new bacteria that burrow into pelagic plastics, the work envisions life forms that can thrive in man-made extreme environments, life forms that can turn the toxic surplus of our capitalistic desire into eggs, vibrations, and joy.